Are you dreading spending the time to bring your dog in for vaccinations and boosters? We've put together a handy vaccination schedule — it's the best way to protect your canine companion from numerous serious, potentially life-threatening diseases.
Should dogs be vaccinated?
Like vaccinations for people, dog vaccines protect your pet against many serious diseases that can potentially threaten your pet's life.
While getting your dog vaccinated might seem like an unnecessary expenditure of time and money (after all, you keep a close ye on him), your dog's shots will likely cost far less than treatment for the numerous illnesses your pet could contract if they aren't protected.
Does my dog need all the available vaccines?
We recommend a few vaccines for dogs in the Central Illinois area, including immunizations to help prevent bordetella, distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus and rabies.
Your vet can recommend which vaccines are most appropriate for your pooch based on your dog's age, where you live and your pet's lifestyle.
Vaccination Schedule for Puppies & Adult Dogs
Age Restrictions
Discuss which vaccines would be appropriate for your dog with your vet. Very young puppies and senior dogs that have compromised immune systems will not be eligible for all shots.
Are there potential side effects to dog vaccinations?
Some dogs may have an allergic reaction after having their shots. Typically, this is due to a sensitivity to an individual ingredient in a specific vaccine. Different breeds have a tendency to react to some ingredients.
Various collies, some sheepdogs and German shepherds are known to be sensitive to individual vaccinations. Your vet can also skip any vaccines that contain ingredients that your dog may be sensitive to.
The Importance of Vaccinations
Vaccinations are a critical element of your dog's preventive health care. By taking your dog in for his/her shots in early life, then on a regular basis as they move through adulthood, you'll give your pet the best chance to live a long, healthy life.
Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.